CFC's travel from the equator either to the north or southern poles. Say a CFC is released in Washington it will travel to the north pole and in the winter, the CFC will attach to the snow crystals and crystalize. Once the summer season comes along that snow will melt and the CFC will rise into the atmosphere and attach to the Ozone molecules which are 3 oxgyen bonded together to form ozone molecules. The Intro of CFC's breaks this O3 bond into just an O2 bond depleting the ozone layer. Since CFC's are not used up in the conversion they can do this to other O3 moleicules.
Now the same thing happens in the southern hemisphere if someone in Sidney Austrialia releases CFC's it goes to the southern pole. The poles are where its the thinnest of ozone that is why you see the ozone holes.
Hope that helpsDo cfc's travel from the northern to the southern hemisphere in affecting the ozone layer? If so, why?
cfc will not travel, they will bind to the ozone layer
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